Botanical Power.


Beautiful hair can only be achieved through a healthy scalp.


Phyto was conceived in 1965 by celebrity hairdresser Patrick Alès. As a salon apprentice in Paris during the 1950’s, Patrick noticed that chemically-laden products were taking a serious toll on the hands of stylists and the hair of their clientele. The first seeds of his idea for a much gentler, less harmful range of hair products were quietly sown.


Fascinated by nature, Patrick studied the power of plants, their history of use in traditional medicine, and the role they might play to reveal hair’s natural beauty. It was finding ways to rescue his clients’ dry, bleached-out locks in the sixties that inspired his first products: HUILE D’ALÈS and PHYTO 7


Today, Phyto Laboratories boasts a hi-tech innovative scientific lab, supported by a team of doctors, pharmacologists, botanists and biochemists dedicated to identifying the most active plant extracts for optimal hair beauty.


تخلصوا من قشرة الشعر المزمنة خلال أسبوعين فقط 👇🏻

👈🏻من خلال علاجها المكثف بالشامبو المعالج 💜Phytosquam Shampoo 💜

👈🏻استخدموه علي فروة جافة مدة 10 دقايق  يوم بعد يوم  لمدة أسبوعين وحترتاحوا من القشرة والحكة المزعجة 😌

#Phytolibya #Phytosquam #MFC
زيت يغذي فروة الراس ويقوي بصيلات الشعر ويهدئ الحكة ويساعد في علاج التساقط ويعالج الجفاف وينعمه 


زيت 👈🏻✨Phytospecific Baobab Oil ✨

#Phytolibya #Phytospecific #MFC
الاعتناء المناسب بالترطيب لشعر ناعم وصحي

كريم تصفيف يرطب ويحمي بعمق ، غني بالكينوا وشمع الأرز. مثالي لجميع أنواع الشعر ، هذا الكريم الذي يترك على الشعر يعيد اللمعان. يمكن استخدامه أيضًا كلمسة نهائية بعد التصفيف لتنعيم الشعر المجعد

يرطب ويحسن،ويقوي الشعر، يقلل من الكسر

(ضعي على الشعر الجاف أو الرطب مباشرة بعد الشامبو)

متوفر في موقع وتطبيق لايم وطلبات

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💥PHYTOSPECIFIC Baobab Oil në zbritje nga 18.00€ në 9.00€💥

1- Përdoret si ushqyes dhe hidratues për flokët. Spërkatni 2 apo 3 pika në duar dhe aplikoni në maja dhe gjatësi të flokut. Pa shpëlarje
2- Mund të spërkatni 2 apo 3 pika ose më shumë në kremin e fytyrës ose të trupit
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🌸Ваш лучший друг для натуральных упругих локонов! 

🌸PHYTOSPECIFIC Увлажняющий крем для укладки ☁️ 

#PHYTOParis #Haircare #BotanicalPower #PHYTOSPECIFIC #PHYTO
Pregătește-te pentru o transformare uimitoare a părului tău creț! 👩‍🦰

Spray-ul PHYTOSPECIFIC Curl Legend menține buclele perfect definite și le conferă un volum incredibil, fără să le compromită forma. 🤍

Comandă de pe: 

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Când mătreața îți dă bătăi de cap, rutina PhytoSquam este duo-ul salvator:

1️⃣ Șampon tratament intensiv pentru a elimina imediat mătreața.
2️⃣ Șampon de întreținere hidratant pentru a preveni mătreața pe termen lung.

Tu ce nevoie ai: să tratezi sau să previi? ☺️

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#PhytoParis #LaPuissanceVegetale #Phytospecific #Kids #Demelage #CheveuxBoucles #Enfants

 Des petites têtes difficiles à coiffer 👦🏼👧🏻👦🏾👧🏼👦🏻👧🏽👧🏾: Le #Shampooing Douche Démêlant Magique #PHYTOSPECIFIC , Enrichi en actifs #végétaux et naturels 🌿, 2-en-1, il lave le cheveux et le corps en douceur 🛁, démêle instantanément, délicatement.
 Avec lui fini les nœuds !
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